Buc News

Charleston Southern students get involved with State Legislature

By Kaitlyn Connor | February 12, 2025

On November 14, 2024, 11 members of CSU’s Student Legislature Association traveled to Columbia to present bills to mock Senate and House bodies composed of different South Carolina colleges, winning two prestigious awards in the process.

At this event, the group was awarded The Best Medium Delegation Award and The Palmetto Award.

South Carolina Student Legislature helps students better understand government processes by allowing them to participate in a hands-on fashion. 

Brandon Diehl, the SCSL staff advisor, shared the importance of the awards won.

“The Best Delegation Award is given annually to the delegation that, in the opinion of the Elections and Awards Committee, best exemplified cohesion and activity,” Diehl said. “The Palmetto Award is presented to the delegation who best represents the ideals of our organization through legislation, activity, cohesion, and commitment.”

Many students in this program found this experience to be life changing. They found their public speaking drastically improved by speaking on their own accord for their own beliefs. 

Christina Bals, a senator and CSU delegation co-chair, outlined her progress within the program.  “SCSL grew me exponentially as a thinker and a speaker. The program taught me to collaborate effectively and charitably with my peers on matters of true importance to our state and our country at large,” said Bals. 

Students were separated as Senate or House members. They were provided opportunities to present legislation, ask questions, make speeches in favor or against bills and vote on legislation on the local Senate or House floor. 

Ava Ladd, a representative in the CSU delegation, said, “It was a great way to make lasting connections with students at other colleges. It was great to see how politics work not just in theory but in practice, including political deals.” 

Many of the bills that the Charleston Southern delegation presented passed in both the House and the Senate. These bills were then given to the South Carolina Governor for consideration. 

Members proposed bills to improve the living conditions of tenants in South Carolina, increase awareness of allergy-related issues, increase voter participation and improve efforts to save the environment.

After an exciting experience in Columbia, members of the SCSL left with a renewed sense of encouragement and purpose. 

 SCSL CSU delegation: Back row: Seth Nolan, representative; Davis McNeil, representative, Fourth row: Regan Fairchild, representative: Christina Bals, senator and delegation Co-chair; Benjamin Kilroy, representative,
Third row: Jackson Link, representative; Samuel Grant, speaker pro tempore; Evan Rapp, delegation chairman, 
Second Row: Ava Ladd, representative; Kaitlyn Conner, senator, Front row: Victoria Boskey, representative.

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